I loved this plant when I bought it. Planted it, started growing and then the sun location changed for the summer and cooked it and barely any purple except for new growth close to the ground. So will be digging it up and re-homing it to get more shade during the hottest part of our day. Hope it likes it and and returns to its original beautiful colors with new growth.
Persian Shield Strobilanthes dyerianus
- Part Sun to Sun
- Spring
- Summer
18 - 36 Inches18 - 24 Inches18 - 24 Inches46cm - 91cm46cm - 61cm46cm - 61cmFeatures
Iridescent, colorful leaves of purple, green and silver all season; heat tolerant
Award WinnerAdaptable As HouseplantFoliage InterestHeat TolerantDrought TolerantCharacteristics
Plant Type:AnnualHeight Category:TallGarden Height:18 - 36 Inches 46cm - 91cmSpacing:18 - 24 Inches 46cm - 61cmSpread:18 - 24 Inches 46cm - 61cmFlower Shade:NoneFoliage Colors:PurpleFoliage Shade:Black/PurpleHabit:UprightContainer Role:ThrillerPlant Needs
Light Requirement:Part Sun to SunThe optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).
Maintenance Category:EasyBloom Time:Grown for FoliageHardiness Zones:9a, 9b, 10a, 10b, 11a, 11bWater Category:AverageUses:ContainerUses:LandscapeUses Notes:Use in containers, landscapes and combinations
Maintenance Notes:easy care
Consumer Comment:
I purchased the "Persian Shield", among other plants, for my 86 year old Aunt's large containers. We absolutely loved this particular plant -- it grew and grew and had beautiful leaves. She loved it. H. Lemasters, West Virginia -
33 Reviews
52149312111Browse reviews from people who have grown this plant.-
Beth, Florida, United States, 2 years ago
Absolute stunner in the garden! Had never seen them before I stumbled upon them at a big box store. It was love at 1st site! I bought 6 & planted them in my horrible clay soil in a new bed, mostly in the sun. They grew up to be about 3' tall & a lil bushy with some pinching & I even had to cut them back. They remind me of Coleus, but no blooms. Excellent performer, beautiful color foliage & I only used time release fertilizer when I planted them. Easy & gorgeous!
Shelly Madden, Ohio, United States, 2 years ago -
I adore this plant. Keep it watered, and it will impress you! I was sad my local Lowe’s did not carry it this year. I grew it the past two years. I’m in zone 8 where it is not hardy, so I grow it as an annual.
DawnKeck, Virginia, United States, 4 years ago -
I am in love with this plant. I got it from an Orange Depot Store, and it has last me 2 plus years. I live in zone 8b and this beauty has been very hardy. Comes back every Spring and has been disease and pest free. I Highly recommend this plant, the colors are rich and vibrant! I can't imagine my container garden without them!
Jasmine P, Texas, United States, 5 years ago -
Last spring I was shopping for plants for my yard and saw this wee little Persian Shield plant. The color was so stunning, I had to have it and didn't care how big or small it stayed, simply fell in love with that gorgeous color! I planted it in the back yard where the soil isn't the greatest. Watered it and did little else... I didn't need to...it took off like a rocket! It got full, lush, tall, and NOTHING disturbed the leaves. It stayed beautiful right into the fall. I am in love with this stunner, and this year I plan to plant them all over! They add such beauty and are shimmery with their purple and silvery foliage. Best plant I ever had (and no flowers, so no yellow jackets! YAY!!!)
Patti Reid, New York, United States, 9 years ago -
Unusually striking plant. Iridescent in sunlight. Easy to grow, few pests, does well in our hot, dry, Georgia summers.
Kay Norris, Georgia, United States, 10 years ago -
I have grown this plant many times and just love it. It grows into about a 2' tall plant and does well in just about any soil and in part shade to shade. I've found the colour kind of fades if put in full sun. The colour of the leaves just glows in the shade and best of all, the deer don't eat it, which is important in my part of the world. Each leaf is green and purple, with a streak of silver and is just lovely. It won't go through our cold winters so I take a few cuttings in the fall and stick them in soil and they take off without too much trouble. I'd rather do that than bring the plant in for the winter. This way I end up with as many plants as I want for the following summer.
Dorothy Macintyre, Ontario, Canada, 10 years ago -
As the manager of the nursery i can highly recommend this perennial to everyone that loves the color of coleus and other classic maintenance-free plants w/o having to plant every year! this beauty dies back in the winter here in north-central texas but comes back season after season. and it is as easy to propagate with just tip cuttings!
Susanna Griffin, Texas, United States, 11 years ago -
This plant is beautiful, grows very quickly and it has become my favorite plant! I love it!
Melissa Meyer, Texas, United States, 11 years ago -
Easy care, spectacular in containers, impressive backdrop for more delicate, lower growing plants... you HAVE to try this one!
Brian SUllivan, 12 years ago
11 Awards
Award Year Award Plant Trial 2010 Top Performer Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden 2010 Top Performer Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden 2010 Top Performer Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden 2007 Best of the Zoo Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden 2007 Best of the Zoo Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden 2007 Best of the Zoo Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden 2007 Best of the Zoo Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden 2004 Top Picks Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden 2004 Top Picks Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden 2004 Top Picks Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden 9 Recipes
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