Much loved by deer. They keep my bushes trimmed down to 18". I spray with a good deer repellant that works on flowers but the deer keep eating the bushes. They usually pick off the flowers one day and come back for any new growth the next. I bought these to replace roses that the deer kept eating because the desciption said deer did not eat them.
Sonic Bloom® Pink Weigela florida
- Sun
- Spring
- Summer
48 - 60 Inches60 - 72 Inches48 - 60 Inches1.2m - 1.5m1.5m - 1.8m1.2m - 1.5mFeatures
This is a humdinger of a weigela! Sonic Bloom® weigela are the strongest rebloomers ever seen in weigela. Loads of hot pink flowers in May are followed by waves of blooms until frost. No deadheading is needed to see strong reblooming through summer and fall.
Sonic Bloom® is a registered trademark of the Syngenta Company.
As seen in the Humdinger ad.
Continuous Bloom or RebloomerLong BloomingDeadheading Not NecessaryAttracts:HummingbirdsResists:DeerCharacteristics
Plant Type:ShrubShrub Type:DeciduousHeight Category:MediumGarden Height:48 - 60 Inches 1.2m - 1.5mSpacing:60 - 72 Inches 1.5m - 1.8mSpread:48 - 60 Inches 1.2m - 1.5mFlower Colors:PinkFlower Shade:PinkFoliage Colors:GreenFoliage Shade:GreenHabit:MoundedContainer Role:ThrillerPlant Needs
Light Requirement:SunThe optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).
Maintenance Category:EasyBlooms On:New WoodBlooms On:Old WoodBloom Time:Late SummerBloom Time:Early FallBloom Time:Mid FallBloom Time:Late FallBloom Time:Mid SpringBloom Time:Late SpringHardiness Zones:4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8bWater Category:AverageUses:LandscapeUses Notes:Shrub borders; mixed borders; foundation plantings
Maintenance Notes:Prefers well-drained soils but fairly adaptable to other soil types. If necessary, prune immediately after the spring bloom. Best flowering occurs in full sun, but light shade isn't harmful, particularly in warmer climates.
If desired, fertilize in early spring with a granular fertilizer formulated for woody plants, like a rose fertilizer.
Sonic Bloom® Pink Weigela florida 'Bokrasopin' USPP 24,572, Can 4,597 -
27 Reviews
51445332312Browse reviews from people who have grown this plant.-
Lawrence Weber, Pennsylvania, United States, 13 weeks ago
I bought two gallon size Sonic bloom Weigelas two years ago. Today they are massive! They are completely covered from top to ground in beautiful blooms. I wish I could show how tall they are, about eight feet, and so heavy with blooms the bottom branches are spread out on the ground.
Clara, Kentucky, United States, 45 weeks ago -
My Sonic Blooms are in ground 4 years now and perform beautifully in spring. I use Espoma Rosetone to fertilize mid-April. However, now mid-august, I have only had one single flower re-bloom. Any suggestions to provide better reblooming experience?
Barbara McCann, Michigan, United States, 1 year ago -
Purchased a small plant with 3 branches in 2017. I am so impressed by the blooms on this plant, it’s such a beautiful sight. Now it has grown to almost the full size and is in a part shade location but still is a stunning bloomer all over. It does also rebloom a bit throughout the summer, but nothing like the first show. I bet if it had more sun, the rebloom would be quite significant. This is truly a lovely plant and I also find the structure of it interesting.
Erin, Ontario, Canada, 1 year ago -
I have 2 of these and they are thriving and gorgeous. They bloom all summer, and bring hummingbirds and pollinators to our yard. If I had room I would definitely plant more.
AmyV, Rhode Island, United States, 3 years ago -
Love this. It did take about two years to get full bloom do not give up on it, it looks gorgeous. This grows out so make sure to leave enough space.
Harmony, Michigan, United States, 3 years ago -
We love our Super Sonics! The bloom is a gorgeous bright hot pink up against the green leaves it's outstanding!!! We've had them a few years now and they are just rocking along. Highly recommend. We are zone 7B. A few of ours had some dead we had to cut back, but no big deal at all.
Kelli Culpepper, Arkansas, United States, 4 years ago -
I never expect plants to match photos on packaging or advertising, but I figured if these looked half as good as the photos online I'd be happy. Planted six starter quarts of these last May (2018). The plants were ordered through a third party website (recommended) and were in good shape with a few blooms. Did well throughout last summer with consistent water/feed, and put on new blooms here and there into September. 4 out 6 put on really solid growth, with one getting subpar light and the other fighting back against damage that took out half the plant. I'm writing in June of year two and I am surprised and pleased to report that these plants flower ever bit as prolifically as the photos indicate. I would dare say the one that gets the best light looks even better than the plant on the tag. Having 6 in close proximity with different light conditions (ringed around a tree) it is clear that some are much bigger than others, but they are all blooming like crazy. Eager to see if they go this hard all summer or if they trail off.
Frank Panella, New York, United States, 5 years ago -
Planted several of these last year. They did fine. This year, WOW! They are spectacular!!! Highly recommend. The colors are vibrant!
Kelliq, Arkansas, United States, 5 years ago -
Planted this late in the fall, had a brutal winter of ice and unusually cold temperatures. Both of my Sonic Blooms came through with NO dead branches, and have bloomed since late April/early May (it is now almost June). Absolutely covered with pink blossoms. I will definitely be adding more of these to my landscape.
Susan Johnson, Kentucky, United States, 10 years ago
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