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Winecraft Black® Smokebush Cotinus coggygria

  • Sun
Flower Season
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Fall
Mature Size
10' 8' 3.0m 2.4m
Height: 8' - 10'
Spread: 6' - 8'
Height: 2.4m - 3.0m
Spread: 1.8m - 2.4m
  • Details

    96 - 120 Inches
    72 - 96 Inches
    72 - 96 Inches
    2.4m - 3.0m
    1.8m - 2.4m
    1.8m - 2.4m


    A feast for the eyes from spring through autumn!

    Winecraft Black® is the first Proven Winners smokebush, so you know it must be special. In spring, round leaves emerge rich purple but as summer's heat comes on, they turn a deep near-black tone and finally light up in an array of reds and oranges in fall. In early summer, large, soft panicles of bloom appear that become the misty "smoke" that makes this such a popular landscape plant. Unlike other smokebush, it naturally has a rounded, dwarf habit which means that finally, every landscape has room for this unique plant.

    Top three reasons to grow Winecraft Black smokebush:

    1. Color and interest from spring through frost. 

    2. No pruning or special maintenance required.

    3. Dwarf habit makes it easy to use with any sized home or yard.

    Foliage Interest
    Fall Interest
    Deadheading Not Necessary


    Plant Type: 
    Shrub Type: 
    Height Category: 
    Garden Height: 
    96 - 120 Inches 2.4m - 3.0m
    72 - 96 Inches 1.8m - 2.4m
    72 - 96 Inches 1.8m - 2.4m
    Flower Colors: 
    Flower Colors: 
    Foliage Colors: 
    Foliage Colors: 
    Foliage Shade: 
    Purple changing to near-black
    Container Role: 

    Plant Needs

    Light Requirement: 

    The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).

    Maintenance Category: 
    Blooms On: 
    Old Wood
    Bloom Time: 
    Early Summer
    Hardiness Zones: 
    4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b
    Water Category: 
    Soil Fertility Requirement: 
    Average Soil
    Border Plant
    Specimen or Focal Point
    Uses Notes: 

    Smokebush makes a striking specimen, but is also effective as a low hedge or mass planting.

    Maintenance Notes: 

    Winecraft Black smokebush is very easy to care for and requires little to nothing in the way of regular maintenance. Plant in full sun for best color and flowering. Pruning will rarely be required but may be done in spring.

    Fun Facts: 

    It isn't technically the flowers that create the hazy, smoke-like effect this plant is so loved for - it's the seedpods that form after the flowers have faded. 

    Winecraft Black® Cotinus coggygria 'NCCO1' USPP 30,216, Can 6,513
  • 21 Reviews

    Browse reviews from people who have grown this plant.
    • Mixed feelings but ultimately still love. Two seasons in on the WineCraft and mixed feelings because it’s not exactly as promoted. First, I’m in love with the beautiful deep purple. However I planted three because the plant size was supposed to be rounder and smaller, and rabbit resistant. Mine have massive shoots that are straight up over 6ft. I have to prune to keep shape so I don’t see blooms. My leaves turn brown in fall with a little orange in Fall, and rabbits ate to the ground last winter and I ended up placing wire around to prevent total destruction. I’m not rating lower because despite all of this it is healthy, beautiful and easy to grow which is a gardener’s dream in Minnesota.

      , Minnesota
      , United States
      , 27 weeks ago
    • Mixed feelings but ultimately still love. Two seasons in on the WineCraft and mixed feelings because it’s not exactly as promoted. First, I’m in love with the beautiful deep purple. However I planted three because the plant size was supposed to be rounder and smaller, and rabbit resistant. Mine have massive shoots that are straight up over 6ft. I have to prune to keep shape so I don’t see blooms. My leaves turn brown in fall with a little orange in Fall, and rabbits ate to the ground last winter and I ended up placing wire around to prevent total destruction. I’m not rating lower because despite all of this it is healthy, beautiful and easy to grow which is a gardener’s dream in Minnesota.

      , Minnesota
      , United States
      , 27 weeks ago
    • I planted two of these spaced 5 ft apart (as instructed by the tag). They are gorgeous! Bloomed beautifully and are a focal point in my garden bed. Unfortunately, PW updated the sizing of the plant from 4-6' tall and wide to a whopping Height 8' - 10' and Spread 6' - 8'. I will have to dig them up and replant them to a more appropriate location. I was hoping for a smaller shrub.

      Andrea Darsow
      , Minnesota
      , United States
      , 2 years ago
    • I have two Winecraft Black smokebushes. The color is gorgeous; I'd say the foliage color on the website is true to real life. Fall color for me has not been impressive so far and the leaves mostly just turn brown. The website states 4'-6' tall and wide. Mine are closer to 6' wide and 8-9 feet tall. I've read that they do not need to be pruned, but for me, that is not an ideal look. The FIRST smokebush I planted in spring 2019 was extremely small. I did not prune it. Despite its small size, it grew two or three branches about 7-8 feet tall by the end of the season. In early spring 2020, I pruned it to about 14 inches, which resulted in multiple new branches from the tips but bare stems below; however, there were a few new branches from the base. It had about six branches in total that were 8 feet tall. In spring 2021, I pruned it to the ground. It is now almost October and it has twelve branches that are 8 to 9 feet tall. The SECOND smokebush I planted in spring 2020 on the opposite side of my house. I did not prune it in 2020 or this year, 2021. On the lower 1/3 of the shrub, some branches had leaves but more were completely bare. It did put out new growth from the base but not enough to cover the bare branches or make it look full at the bottom. This is not a look I care for, so going forward I will prune both to the ground or maybe a few inches. As far as flowers (smoke), I have not had any from either shrub, even the one that I did not prune for two years. I deducted 1 star due to its overall size being larger than advertised, and I really wanted something that did not need maintenance, but overall I am glad I have this shrub in my landscape for the color that it brings.

      Lisa G.
      , Pennsylvania
      , United States
      , 3 years ago
    • Got two of these from a nursery 3 months ago. They’re adorable. Planted one in mostly shade and the leaves have mostly turned a deep green. The other is in partial sun and it’s stayed fairly red. They both grow like crazy, and the leaves are such a beautiful, crisp oval shape. I accidentally broke a branch off one with a hose (branches are pretty delicate) and it grew more branches within a few weeks. The leaves on the new growth are about twice as large as the original growth. Wish I had a sunny spot for these little beauties.

      , Minnesota
      , United States
      , 3 years ago
    • So I've had two of these for two years now. I managed to snag them from a local nursery (pretty pricy but I needed them in my life) after seeing it on garden Answer. Red foliage is an extremely important color in the garden, and you'd be hard pressed to find a red foliage quite like this. The first year they were both maybe a foot tall, kind of wimpy. But now, in their second year, they're at least 4 feet tall and branching nicely. No flowers, but honestly I'm growing them for the leaves. I have each one planted between two endless summer mopheads hydrangeas- my hope being that they can be trained to shade the hydrangeas from the summer sun a bit. The red leaves look fantastic next to the purple pink blue flowers of the hydrangeas!

      , Pennsylvania
      , United States
      , 3 years ago
    • I planted 2 of these last year and they are phenomenal. Crazy fast growth rate. I had to pick up a 3rd that was about a 6" little squirt but after 4 months it is 3ft tall. They have a deep rich color that changes throughout the summer. Everyone comments on them. I do water my gardens often when the heat is intense and with fresh plantings.

      , Michigan
      , United States
      , 4 years ago
    • I bought a Wine Craft Smoke bush last fall. It came to my house as a 4" baby. Today, June 2-2019, it is 8-9" tall and round and looking fabulous! I am in the high country of the southwest and I am very pleased with my purchase so far.

      Suzanne Diggins
      , Arizona
      , United States
      , 5 years ago
    • We had a Beauty Bush at the front of one of our flower beds. Because it was looking so unkempt, even with pruning, we wanted to replace it with something else. I had been wanting a Smokebush for a long time, but didn't want such a large tree. Found this Winecraft Black Smokebush, which was perfect for the spot in my flower bed. Also, it will be such a nice contrast with my Hibiscus plant!

      , British Columbia
      , Canada
      , 6 years ago
    • I wanted a purple smokebush, but the available varieties were all too large for my site. After seeing a youTube video from Garden Answer about this plant, I decided I had to have it; a no-brainer. Since local garden centers weren't yet selling it, I opted to order it from an online vendor. The 1gal pot I received was growing beautifully, and is now doing great in my garden. The color is fantastic and it's the perfect shade of purple for this spot in my garden. I've been encouraging other local nurseries to begin ordering this asap.

      Melissa Koska
      , Minnesota
      , United States
      , 6 years ago
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