Landscapes Articles
Flowers come in many colors and many forms. One often overlooked type are flowers that feature more than one color. These Bicolored blooms can be a great addition to any garden.
Discover cultivars of native false indigo that are perfectly sized for urban and suburban landscapes.
Learn how "Bad" shade areas can be real assets in your garden.
Early spring is a hard time for gardeners because the days have become warmer and the inactivity of winter is pushing you to get something planted out in the garden. The call to get planting before the threat of frost has passed is hard to ignore. There are some plants that, if properly hardened off, will take several frosts with little or no damage and are perfect for early plantings.
Just as a pretty garden makes you happy, beautiful plantings in cities make a difference. In this article, read about towns in a national awards program that recognizes excellence.